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Thumbs Up [RESUELTO] - Campo de fecha concatenado en WF
Posted by: julioval - 11-03-2016, 03:36 PM - Forum: Administrator Support - Replies (2)

Buenas tardes,
Gracias a un flujo, cuando damos de alta una SO, un ppto, una factura, concatenando una serie de campos obtengo la referencia.
Uno de esos campos que concateno es la fecha de creación. La situación que sufro es que ese campo tiene este formato: 2016-11-03 17:32:13.
Hay alguna forma para que solo sea la fecha sin la hora (2016-11-03)?

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  Problem with webservice methods and inventory modules
Posted by: Guido1982 - 11-03-2016, 11:31 AM - Forum: coreBOS Development - Replies (19)

Since the update I did last weekend I noticed a problem with webservice methods. Whenever one is used on inventory modules, the number multiply by a million. So € 3.500,- becomes € 3.500.000.000,-. My user settings are:

  • Decimals separator: ","
  • Thousands separator: "."
  • No. of decimals: 2

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  Always six decimals in new coreBOS version curreny fields
Posted by: Guido1982 - 11-02-2016, 09:00 PM - Forum: coreBOS Development - Replies (2)

I've discovered the new coreBOS versions always write six decimals to the database, despite the user settings. so € 500,00 always becomes € 500,000000. App stil functions, but it's kind of weird.

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  Certain profiles can't use SalesOrder when MasterDetail Business Map is used
Posted by: Guido1982 - 11-01-2016, 07:35 PM - Forum: coreBOS Development - Replies (8)

I've setup a Business Map that allows for "units delivered / received" in SalesOrders. Works fine for me, but for certain profiles, that have less rights, I get the following when trying to open a SalesOrder:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'WebServiceException' with message 'Permission to perform the operation is denied' in [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/include/Webservices/DescribeObject.php:25 Stack trace: #0 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/modules/cbMap/processmap/MasterDetailLayout.php(206): vtws_describe('InventoryDetail...', Object(Users)) #1 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/modules/cbMap/processmap/MasterDetailLayout.php(164): MasterDetailLayout->getFieldInfo('units_delivered...') #2 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/modules/cbMap/processmap/MasterDetailLayout.php(98): MasterDetailLayout->convertMap2Array() #3 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/modules/cbMap/cbMap.php(472): MasterDetailLayout->processMap(Array) #4 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/include/utils/DetailViewUtils.php(1338): cbMap->__call('MasterDetailLay...', Array) #5 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/include/ut in [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/include/Webservices/DescribeObject.php on line 25

I've set the permissions for this profile to allow the use of InventoryDetails module, but without success...

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  Webservice by cURL?
Posted by: Guido1982 - 11-01-2016, 03:19 PM - Forum: coreBOS Development - Replies (6)

Preparing for my webservice project, I was wondering the following. I noticed HTTP_CLIENT is the recommended approach, but I also see the latest release is from 2008. I've used simple cURL requests in my ExactOnline module to connect to the Exact API (and have also used cURL to connect to the Twitter API). Wouldn't that be possible?

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  My first Business Map
Posted by: Guido1982 - 10-31-2016, 02:06 PM - Forum: coreBOS Development - Replies (4)

Okay, the goal is this: we have payment conditions coming from Exact Online. A field is created in Accounts, Quotes and SalesOrders (and Invoices of course) that all have their origin in the same table. That table is synchronised with Exact. When a SalesOrder is created or edited, it needs to see if there is a quote related. I've made a workflow for this, that just checks if the quote field for an invoice isn't empty. When the quotefield in a salesorder is empty, I'd like to use my business map. That looks like this:

PHP Code:

I've chosen "Mapping" as the maptype and set "SalesOrder" as the target module. The mapname is "Accounts2SalesOrder".

Now for my problem, I can't select the Business map from the workflow task. When the popup opens, it says there are no maps...

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  Trying to limit field access throuhg workflow
Posted by: Guido1982 - 10-31-2016, 08:02 AM - Forum: User Support - Replies (14)

I'm trying to limit access to a dropdown through a workflow. I've setup the workflow so that it checks for the status I don't want changed by unauthorized people first. So " if status is 'do not change' " triggers a task. That task then checks against the role of the last user that last modified (so the person that just modified the status) and if the role is not the desired one I set the status back to 'do not change'. But no luck. Is this even possible?

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  A note on using MasterDetail Business Mapping
Posted by: Guido1982 - 10-29-2016, 07:57 PM - Forum: coreBOS Development - Replies (1)

I used the BusinessMap from this example:

Quote:I think I have very good news for you. Since the beginning of September you can already do this in coreBOS

coreBOS now supports adding custom fields in the product lines natively. This permits you to easily add partial deliveries, warranty dates, product line costs or serial numbers for example very easily.

All that information is saved on the Inventory Details module where you can control the status of things.


It took me a while to find out that the name of the BM is important. In my case I chose to link to Purchase Orders so the name became "PurchaseOrderInventoryDetails".

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  Is "change default view" gone in new versions?
Posted by: Guido1982 - 10-29-2016, 04:54 PM - Forum: User Support - Replies (2)

I'm currently updating an installation, but is default view changing (and thereby the long-page view) gone?

Nevermind, I found it is a globalvariable now

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Thumbs Up [RESUELTO] - Información contable en ventana de cuenta
Posted by: julioval - 10-28-2016, 07:01 AM - Forum: Administrator Support - Replies (2)

Buen día,
Observo en la demo que en la ventana de información de una Cuenta hay dos campos con información contable que yo no tengo.
Os adjunto un pantallazo para que lo veais. Son el Total Amount, Balance y Total Pending.
Cómo puedo hacer para poder visualizar esta importante información en la pantalla de una cuenta?
Saludos cordiales.

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