Since I think this question could also come up for module development in general I thought I'd start a new topic for it, as to not clutter the "PackingSlip" topic with too much info:
I saw this line in EditView.php (taken from the example IssueCards module):
Is the "isDuplicate" a CRM default variablename, that is set to the REQUEST array for each entity record that is created as a duplicate? If so, I should not rename it.
I saw this line in EditView.php (taken from the example IssueCards module):
PHP Code:
if (isset ($_REQUEST['isDuplicate']) && $_REQUEST['isDuplicate'] == 'true') {
Is the "isDuplicate" a CRM default variablename, that is set to the REQUEST array for each entity record that is created as a duplicate? If so, I should not rename it.