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Getting a comment creator's name through webservice
I know normally we don't have access to a user's name (other than the current user) through webservice, but I ran into a problem here. I want to display salesorders and the comments made on them. I can do this, but I can't get the creator's name (only the ID). Permission is denied to get the creator's first and last name, but I'd still like to show it. Is there a way to do this?
Have you tried this method:


One idea that comes to mind is to connect as an admin user to launch the query, that may work....

Let me know how the getrelatedrecords works, I think I would enhance that method to accomplish what you are trying to do.
Thanks! Didn't know about that one but sadly it gives me the same results. I could try as you suggested to alter the getRelatedModule method to include the user's first and last name

I've sent you a PR with the change that I've tested (and works)
Accepted. Thanks!!

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