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comments not saved under Tickets
Hi Joe,

Now i have done it :-)

i migrated my Vtiger 5.4 to Corebos 5.5 and it works perfect

So on little problem after the migration:

When i try to save a new comment to a ticket it looks like that it will be saved.
But the new comments are not shown in the ticket.
All old comments bevore the migration are in place.

Do you know this problem?


PS: Your modules TTimecontrol ans TDomains are also working perfect after the migration

I am happy you were able to upgrade and that everything seems to be working, that is the idea :-)

As to the comments, I'm not quite sure what to say because we really haven't touched that part of the application and I just tried it on my development install and it worked correctly.

Those comments are adding via javascript, if that is failing for some reason that could cause this behaviour. Open the javascript console in your browser and see if you can get us an error message or something to work with.

Welcome :-)

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