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error on mass edit
would that be correct? I mean if you try to edit the field in detail view the validation will launch and not let you save (I think). So it should behave the same on mass edit. Is the popup giving you an error message?
ok, I see the error message in one of your screen shots
if corebos is giving you an error message on the detail view and the mass edit I think it is correct the way it is
(06-14-2019, 04:40 PM)joebordes Wrote: would that be correct?  I mean if you try to edit the field in detail view the validation will launch and not let you save (I think). So it should behave the same on mass edit. Is the popup giving you an error message?

no error is showed

appears was data is changed, but in fact, not is changed, because a business map not allowed ...

My user question me, because a field checked for business map not is changed, and a field was changed, was passed for checked in bussines map

for example

changed in massedit a field user assign to, but system not changed, because a phone number not is correct ...

If I thinking with a "developer" I understand you point, all test need pass
but commercial area, need transfer registry to another salesman and in this case, with massedit not possible ...
eCRM Web
The record is incorrect. If you edit the record individually, it will not let you save until the validation is corrected, even if you edit the field individually. So, for consistency mass edit cannot save either. At least that is what I understand. Am I incorrect?
yes, but system always shows as record is changed, I means mass edit shows as registry saved, but in fact, not saved

I think you are correct, in your mind, when I think as a developer ...

but in commercial area, for example, I need moved all registry for another salesman or time, in some cases, and not is possible, because a check, and not is possible disabled a business map too ( only delete a business map )

Better if, I can execute a business map check only when a field is changes, perhaps ...
eCRM Web
A few posts ago you told me that it was informing correctly.

This has nothing to do with being a developer: If the system has a validation that makes editing impossible, then it is impossible to edit. If you don't want that validation then eliminate it. If it is there, it has to be imposed.

You can disable a business map simply changing the name or type.
I just tried it and it updated even with the error in the validation map
so, besides me thinking that that is incorrect, it is currently doing what you want
check if you have some other error
sorry, but I cannot reproduce this issue
My test is, I created a bp for check if phone is correct formatted
I try massedit to chnage a assigned to - to another user

All registry with phone correct formatted, new assigned to is rewrite, as I need
All registry with phone not correct formatted, assigned to is still the same ( not changed )

In massedit pop up, system shows as registry is chnaged ( perhaps because this list is bigger, more the 1000 itens ), and last registry is ok ...
eCRM Web
that is exactly what I did, I copied your map from a few posts ago
the assigned user was changed on all records

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