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Tesst tutorial: create SO from helpdesk
OK, for my own educational purposes on CoreBOS and to fullfill an actual need of ours, I'd like to set up this case here and see if I studied correctly:

We'd like to be able to create a Sales Order directly from a ticket. For this I need to create a "detail View Widget" following the post here. I have to register the widget following the system's API, and fill out the URL so that in the GET superglobal the Sales Order create view starts with the GET variables I want.

Any steps I've overlooked or have forgotten?

Thanks in advance.
This sounds good. You have to use a DETAILVIEWBASIC type link. The only problem I think you will run into here is if you want to automatically introduce some product line(s). Those lines to look in GET URL for parameters so you will have to do some additional magic in the SalesOrder/EditView.php script
(11-09-2015, 11:34 AM)joebordes Wrote: This sounds good. You have to use a DETAILVIEWBASIC type link. The only problem I think you will run into here is if you want to automatically introduce some product line(s). Those lines to look in GET URL for parameters so you will have to do some additional magic in the SalesOrder/EditView.php script

Thanks, I'll start fiddling with it and see if I run into problems anywhere. Basically the Salesorder does not have to auto-create productline, because the ticket does not have them. In the workflow setup we have in mind the creation of the SO is done when fysical work has already been done and the SO is created to list used materials and spent time (and of course ultimately invoice them).
You may be interested in evaluating our time and material control extension. With the paid invoicing extension you can quickly create SO/Invoice from time and material consumed.
That sounds great, but does it also have the capacity to create SO from tome-material? I'm asking this because this particular company has the demand that every invoice has a SO attached.
Sorry, I don't understand the question.
Sorry, let me rephrase a bit more clear:

You said Time/Material module can create a record of time and material spent, and create an invoice directly from this record. What I'd like to know is if it can also create an invoice from the time/material record.
Read that last post again, please :-D

Have a look at the documentation and online demo, give it a try. The idea is that you register time and material spent solving tickets and then group all that into salesorders or invoices as you require using the TCInvoicing extension.
Damn, shouldn't read while distracted, I meant of course create SO, not Invoice. There might be the need for something like this since the company I maintain Corebos for wants to do something like 'visit incidents'. The concept is a little vague up till now but we'll work on that and evaluate your module (through the demo) for this purpose.

Yes, you can create salesorders or invoices from the time/material records


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