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[ solved ] Error on tried import comments
My Portugese isn't that good, but it seems you do have the column time_start (Data do Evento)? Did you map the correct date to the correct field when you import? And did you check your entire import file for missing, or badly formed fields in that column? For instance, is there a field that is formatted '27-07-2018' while the rest is formatted '2018-07-27'? Or maybe there is something completely different in one of the fields in that column?

You said you are importing comments, but to which module are the comments related?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Error on tried import comments - Mikel - 07-24-2018, 10:17 AM
RE: Error on tried import comments - Guido1982 - 07-27-2018, 07:34 AM
RE: Error on tried import comments - Mikel - 07-27-2018, 03:27 PM

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