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Update problem with financial fields
Joe, thank you for your reply.

All changesets have been applied correctly except ”addFinancialFields” which is marked ”pending” although it looks like the fields have been created. shouldn't the updater script recognize the correct creation of the fields and then return ”update done”. But this is what I get:

Updating Financial fields for Invoice
Total Number of updates executed : 1
Correct Updates : 0
Failed Updates : 1

These are the fields in the vtiger_invoice table:

`invoiceid` int(19) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `subject` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
 `salesorderid` int(19) DEFAULT NULL,
 `customerno` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
 `contactid` int(19) DEFAULT NULL,
 `notes` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
 `invoicedate` date DEFAULT NULL,
 `duedate` date DEFAULT NULL,
 `invoiceterms` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
 `type` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
 `adjustment` decimal(28,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `salescommission` decimal(25,3) DEFAULT NULL,
 `exciseduty` decimal(25,3) DEFAULT NULL,
 `subtotal` decimal(28,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `total` decimal(28,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `taxtype` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
 `discount_percent` decimal(25,3) DEFAULT NULL,
 `discount_amount` decimal(28,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `s_h_amount` decimal(28,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `shipping` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
 `accountid` int(19) DEFAULT NULL,
 `terms_conditions` text,
 `purchaseorder` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
 `invoicestatus` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
 `invoice_no` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
 `currency_id` int(19) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
 `conversion_rate` decimal(10,3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1.000',
 `tandc` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
 `pl_gross_total` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `pl_dto_line` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `pl_dto_global` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `pl_dto_total` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `pl_net_total` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `pl_sh_total` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `pl_sh_tax` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `pl_adjustment` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `pl_grand_total` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `sum_nettotal` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `sum_tax1` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `sum_tax4` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `sum_taxtotal` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `sum_taxtotalretention` decimal(25,6) DEFAULT NULL

I did create a few custom fields but they reside in vtiger_invoice_cf and should not interfere?

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RE: Update problem with financial fields - by partnerwerk - 08-16-2018, 06:57 AM

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