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strange behaviour with filters in list view when using custom field
I enabled Debug_ListView_Query and I got this SQL request:

SELECT vtiger_products.productname, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_productcf.cf_706, vtiger_productcf.cf_801, vtiger_crmentity.modifiedtime, vtiger_products.productid
FROM vtiger_products
INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_products.productid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid
LEFT JOIN vtiger_users ON vtiger_crmentity.smownerid =
LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = vtiger_groups.groupid
INNER JOIN vtiger_productcf ON vtiger_products.productid = vtiger_productcf.productid
WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 AND ( ( (( vtiger_productcf.cf_801 IN ( select translation_key from vtiger_cbtranslation where locale="en_us" and forpicklist="Products::cf_801" and i18n <> 'WIXB-175_pret')
AND vtiger_productcf.cf_801 <> 'WIXB-175_pret') ))) AND vtiger_products.productid > 0;

I'm not sure if it's related but I noticed my vtiger_cbtranslation table is empty.
Is it an issue?

so if I changed my request to

SELECT vtiger_products.productname, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_productcf.cf_706, vtiger_productcf.cf_801, vtiger_crmentity.modifiedtime, vtiger_products.productid
FROM vtiger_products
INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_products.productid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid
LEFT JOIN vtiger_users ON vtiger_crmentity.smownerid =
LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = vtiger_groups.groupid
INNER JOIN vtiger_productcf ON vtiger_products.productid = vtiger_productcf.productid
WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 AND vtiger_productcf.cf_801 <> 'WIXB-175_pret' AND vtiger_products.productid > 0;

then I've got some result.

Is there a way to not use vtiger_cbtranslation or disable it in filter ?

Messages In This Thread
RE: strange behaviour with filters in list view when using custom field - slechaix - 08-18-2020, 03:54 AM

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