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Certain profiles can't use SalesOrder when MasterDetail Business Map is used
(11-01-2016, 07:35 PM)Guido1982 Wrote: I've setup a Business Map that allows for "units delivered / received" in SalesOrders. Works fine for me, but for certain profiles, that have less rights, I get the following when trying to open a SalesOrder:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'WebServiceException' with message 'Permission to perform the operation is denied' in [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/include/Webservices/DescribeObject.php:25 Stack trace: #0 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/modules/cbMap/processmap/MasterDetailLayout.php(206): vtws_describe('InventoryDetail...', Object(Users)) #1 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/modules/cbMap/processmap/MasterDetailLayout.php(164): MasterDetailLayout->getFieldInfo('units_delivered...') #2 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/modules/cbMap/processmap/MasterDetailLayout.php(98): MasterDetailLayout->convertMap2Array() #3 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/modules/cbMap/cbMap.php(472): MasterDetailLayout->processMap(Array) #4 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/include/utils/DetailViewUtils.php(1338): cbMap->__call('MasterDetailLay...', Array) #5 [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/include/ut in [[SERVER_PATH]]/crm/include/Webservices/DescribeObject.php on line 25

I've set the permissions for this profile to allow the use of InventoryDetails module, but without success...

Hi Guido,

That error is because you can not access a field. Which method are made to the web service?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Certain profiles can't use SalesOrder when MasterDetail Business Map is used - kapsule - 11-02-2016, 08:29 AM

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