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[ solved ] Export user list
Since this option was created for me not working

always system generated a CSV only with header

even I make a fresh install, and create a new user, not export

I think could be a difference in my environment ..

I used a CentOS, with php 7.1

This feature use any special resource?
eCRM Web
Not that I am aware of. Do you see any error if you activate debug log?
In normal debug not

I think there way more debug, but I dont remember how I do that ...
eCRM Web
the highest is to activate DEBUG in and then set root.logger to DEBUG in

also, activate PHP error_reporting to E_ALL and display_errors on to see errors in apache error log
PHP Notice: Undefined index: export_where in /usr/share/master/include/utils/ExportAjax.php on line 26, referer:

and this message, but I dont know if the same problem ...

2019-05-05T01:02:02-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: CronTasks
2019-05-05T01:27:02-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: com_vtiger_workflow
2019-05-05T01:32:02-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: CronTasks
2019-05-05T02:22:02-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: com_vtiger_workflow
2019-05-05T02:37:06-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: CronTasks
2019-05-05T02:42:01-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: com_vtiger_workflow
2019-05-05T03:12:01-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: CronTasks
2019-05-05T03:42:02-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: CronTasks
2019-05-05T03:47:02-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: com_vtiger_workflow
2019-05-05T04:17:08-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: CronTasks
2019-05-05T04:52:01-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: CronTasks
2019-05-05T05:02:01-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: com_vtiger_workflow
2019-05-05T05:22:02-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: com_vtiger_workflow
2019-05-05T05:42:02-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: com_vtiger_workflow
2019-05-05T06:12:02-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: com_vtiger_workflow
2019-05-05T07:07:01-03:00 FATAL VT Unable to find the module language file for language: and module: CronTasks
2019-05-05T07:12:02-03:00 FATAL ScheduledReports Array
eCRM Web
I fixed the notice the first time you posted. I tried to export from my application and saw the notice, it is not related to your error though

the other ones shouldn't affect either.

I would need to reproduce the error in order to find out what is going on
I was think in use a SQL report for do that, you see any problem with this?

Because is a normal report, and user can execute too, instead of a export user list, today restricted a admin user ...
eCRM Web
If you don't have a problem with that I see no problem.
solved after last update
eCRM Web

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