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Add date field to product list in sales order
How to add date field to product list in sales order? We need "deadline" field for every single product
This is still very hard to do in coreBOS. We have it in our sight to make it easier.
For the moment what we have done is add a new module: Inventory Details.

This module is in sync with all the four inventory modules and records their lines in normal module records. So you can easily report and filter on them, and also add custom fields to extend and control more information on the lines. So, for the moment you must move your logic to this module and work there.
I dont understand how this module works, it will much better to just add this field. Isnt it just some coding in php?
Ok i just added here in ProductDetails.tpl text (found it using firebug):

<tr valign="bottom">
<td class="small" id="setComment">
<textarea id="comment1" name="comment1" class=small style="width:70%;height:40px"></textarea>
<img src="{'clear_field.gif'|@vtiger_imageurl:$THEME}" onClick="{literal}${/literal}('comment1').value=''"; style="cursor:pointer;" />

Maybe its not a date field but works for now :] I just dont know how to do this with next products lines. In this way it will be possible to even add new fields, but i dont know where to add code. What you think?
Like I said: very difficult, it is all hardcoded in a bunch of files. Really, it is MUCH easier to use the Inventory Details module.

Create an invoice. Go to the Inventory Details and you will see you have a record for each line in the invoice, you can then edit the invoice and will see how the Inventory Details records are updated, so you can easily add your custom fields there.

Adding the field on the rows is difficult and will get you into upgrading issues for sure.

If you still insist in going down that path, some files you will have to play with:

- include/js/general.js
- include/js/Inventory.js
- include/utils/DetailViewUtils.php
- Smarty/templates/Inventory

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