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Some failed updates, what to do?

I upgrade an old system, and got few failers.
max_execution_time is quit big so its not the issue.
Total Number of updates executed : 92 Correct Updates : 84 Failed Updates : 8

here are the failer log:

Quote:Update cbupd-0000253: migrateLinksIntoBusinessActionEntities::migrateLinksIntoBusinessActionEntities
Migrate Vtiger Links into Business Action entities
ALTER TABLE `com_vtiger_workflows` ADD `purpose` TEXT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `com_vtiger_workflows` ADD `relatemodule` varchar(100) default NULL;
Invoking vtlib_handler for module.enabled ...START
Invoking vtlib_handler for module.enabled ...DONE
update vtiger_businessactions set mandatory=1
update vtiger_field set typeofdata='V~O' where fieldid=?  Array ( [0] => 834 )
Changeset migrateLinksIntoBusinessActionEntities applied!
The vtiger links were migrated successfully into Business Action entities
Failed Queries Log
ALTER TABLE `com_vtiger_workflows` ADD `purpose` TEXT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `com_vtiger_workflows` ADD `relatemodule` varchar(100) default NULL;


Update cbupd-0000255: addSummaryColumnToProfile2Field::addSummaryColumnToProfile2Field
Add summary column in vtiger_profile2field table
ALTER TABLE vtiger_profile2field ADD summary enum('T', 'H','B', 'N') DEFAULT 'B' NOT NULL
Changeset addSummaryColumnToProfile2Field applied!
Failed Queries Log
ALTER TABLE vtiger_profile2field ADD summary enum('T', 'H','B', 'N') DEFAULT 'B' NOT NULL

Update cbupd-0000259: addWFPurpose::addWFPurpose
Add PURPOSE field to workflows
ALTER TABLE `com_vtiger_workflows` ADD `purpose` TEXT NULL;
Changeset addWFPurpose applied!
Failed Queries Log
ALTER TABLE `com_vtiger_workflows` ADD `purpose` TEXT NULL;


Update cbupd-0000274: addChgPWDEmailTemplate::addChgPWDEmailTemplate
creation of change password email template
Permission to perform the operation is denied
Update cbupd-0000275: migrateemailtemplates::migrateemailtemplates
Migrate EMail templates
Permission to perform the operation is denied

Update cbupd-0000278: emailmsgTemplate::emailmsgTemplate
creation of customer portal email message template
Permission to perform the operation is denied


Update cbupd-0000282: addSendEmailAction2FAQ::addSendEmailAction2FAQ
Add FAQ template and send email action
Permission to perform the operation is denied

Update cbupd-0000300: addCbRuleMissingContext::addCbRuleMissingContext
Add coreBOS Rule web service call missing context
INSERT INTO vtiger_ws_operation_parameters (operationid, name, type, sequence) VALUES (73, 'context', 'String', 2);
Changeset addCbRuleMissingContext applied!
Failed Queries Log
INSERT INTO vtiger_ws_operation_parameters (operationid, name, type, sequence) VALUES (73, 'context', 'String', 2);

What to do in order to sustain fully functaly system?

Thank you
nothing to worry about, those are controlled cases. I added some checks to avoid them in the future but there should be no problem.
Apply all changesets again and you are ready to go

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