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Adding a related sales order to the calendar event
Does anyone have an idea why my variables in Events.php are not passed on to the event in the calendar yet?

I've been studying the events.php file some more. Basically, the part where fields are added to show in the event is this:

PHP Code:
if ($detailview_permissions) {
$sql0 "SELECT * FROM its4you_calendar4you_event_fields WHERE userid = ? AND view = ?";
$result0 $adb->pquery($sql0, array($current_user->id,$view));
$num_rows0 $adb->num_rows($result0);
    if (
$num_rows0 0) {
$row0 $adb->fetchByAssoc($result0)) {
$sql01 "SELECT uitype, columnname, fieldlabel FROM vtiger_field WHERE fieldname = ? AND tabid IN (?,?)";
$result01 $adb->pquery($sql01, array($row0['fieldname'],$calendar_tabid,$events_tabid));
$columnname $adb->query_result($result01,0,"columnname");
$fieldlabel $adb->query_result($result01,0,"fieldlabel");
$uitype $adb->query_result($result01,0,"uitype");
$Field_data = array("fieldname"=>$row0['fieldname'], "columnname"=>$columnname"fieldlabel" => $fieldlabel"uitype"=>$uitype);
            if (
$row0['type'] == "1") {
$Showed_Field[$row0['event']] = $Field_data;
            } else {
$Event_Info[$row0['event']][] = $Field_data;

I need some better understanding of this, can anyone help me as to what the 'tabid' is in the system? I think I should integrate my sales order connection deeper into the module in stead of 'laying it on top' as I do now. But first I need a better understanding of its inner workings.

Also, I need to understand what the 'type' is in table `its4you_calendar4you_event_fields`. It only says 1 or 2, but I don't know what they represent.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Adding a related sales order to the calendar event - Guido1982 - 11-19-2015, 09:58 AM

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