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Adding filter to report hang/fail on JS error
The error in the console is:

content_script.js:23376 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerText' of undefined
   at Object.domText (content_script.js:23376)
   at HTMLDocument.onChange (content_script.js:5199)
domText @ content_script.js:23376
onChange @ content_script.js:5199
VM3751:4 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
   at vtlib_executeJavascriptInElement (vtlib.js:279)
   at Object.<anonymous> (Reports.js:1098)
   at i (jquery.js:2)
   at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:2)
   at y (jquery.js:4)
   at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery.js:4)
vtlib_executeJavascriptInElement @ vtlib.js:279
(anonymous) @ Reports.js:1098
i @ jquery.js:2
fireWith @ jquery.js:2
y @ jquery.js:4
c @ jquery.js:4
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
send @ csrf-magic.js:52
send @ jquery.js:4
ajax @ jquery.js:4
generateReport @ Reports.js:1092
onclick @ index.php?module=Reports&action=SaveAndRun&record=27&folderid=13:311

It show RED X at the end on the labels line:

let chartDataObject = {
labels: ["אמנן תמר 5 צל","ארנן 22 רמ"","סתנא 16 תל א(גד נדס)","נ אפרם 253 תל א","נן ערת קרת ם חפ","רג טארס ער מם","רג נעמ מר - כפר נ","רכת כסלן רלם","דן מרן 42 רמת גן(מרצאנ)","נם 23 רמת רן","נם 67 רמת רן","גלן 78 תל-א","חנ רנא תל רך צפן","פט 16 רצל","לד טרן 17 ראן לצן","לפן 14 תל א(לל)","מחסן גאלם","מפ' אטל - חת צן","מפ' כץ ארנת","נ סטר ת"א","נחנם מפ' פלת","רח נצח רמת רן","רפדם 52 רמת א(גארן גמאל)","פטם 31 רמת רן","תל מנד מפ' כן"],
datasets: [{
data: ["1","1","2","7","3","1","2","2","3","1","1","3","3","1","1","3","13","3","4","6","4","2","4","4","1"]

Its look like its because of the question mark (") on one of the labels array data!

I believes you need to add back slash to before the question mark (\") when generating the labels array.
are you using a recent version of coreBOS? I remember fixing that not too long ago
commit fecfca70f18af3276da3dd171ac489feb8a46c70
Author: joebordes <>
Date: Thu Dec 24 19:23:26 2020 +0100
please confirm

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