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Using the standard 'create invoice from salesorder' in workflows
Here's my test code up till now:

PHP Code:


/*=========== Retrieve SO =============*/
// Retrieve SO crmid
global $adb;
$query 'SELECT salesorderid FROM vtiger_salesorder WHERE salesorder_no=?';
$params = array('ORD3777');
$result $adb->pquery($query$params);
$so_crmid $adb->query_result($result0'salesorderid');

// Get the webservice object for this SO
include_once 'include/Webservices/Retrieve.php';

$user = new Users();
$current_user $user->retrieveCurrentUserInfoFromFile(Users::getActiveAdminId());

try {
$wsid vtws_getWebserviceEntityId('SalesOrder'$so_crmid);
$wsso vtws_retrieve($wsid$current_user);
// echo "<pre>";
    // print_r($wsso);
    // echo "</pre>";
} catch (WebServiceException $ex) {

// Create an invoice from this SO
try {
// Get the account NO
list($ws_acc_id$crm_acc_id) = explode('x'$wsso['account_id']);
$query 'SELECT account_no FROM vtiger_account WHERE accountid=?';
$params = array($crm_acc_id);
$result $adb->pquery($query$params);
$acc_no $adb->query_result($result0'account_no');
// refactor the SO webservice object for invoice injection
if (is_array($wsso)) {
$data $wsso;
// Overwrite data that is different for invoices
$data['LineItems']             = $wsso['pdoInformation'];
$data['invoicedate']         = date('d-m-Y');
$data['salesorder_id']        = $wsso['id'];
$data['customerno']            = $acc_no;
$data['invoicestatus']        = 'Created';
$data['sostatus']            = 'Created';
$data['exact_payment_cond']    = '3 - Betaling binnen 30 dagen';
$invoice vtws_create('Invoice'$data$current_user);
// echo "<pre>";    
    // print_r($data);
    // echo "</pre>";
} catch (WebServiceException $ex) {

I've set a fixed SO number from a test install just to test. Please ignore the exact_payment_cond' field since it is only required if you have this module (which only one installation has). This works, but I think the nicest way would be to create a full workflow task with configuration so you can also set things like the invoice expiration date/number of days in relation to creation date.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Using the standard 'create invoice from salesorder' in workflows - by Guido1982 - 08-05-2016, 10:10 AM

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