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Invoice was aved as quote in crmentity table
Just had the weirdest thing: An invoice was saved, but in the table 'vtiger_crmentity' the 'setype' was set to Invoice. This led to very weird results. Happened only once so far, maybe it's just a once in a million fluke, or has anyone encoutered this before?
Not that I am aware of. We did see something like this a long time ago where $currentModule was being set incorrectly when saving a related record from a workflow, but we fixed that about a year ago:
This install is more recent than that. Several invoices and quotes are made in this system every day, but this is the first time this ever happened. I checked Invoice.php, but there the code in the __construct is as in your link.. My guess is this was a weird fluke...
Keep an eye on it and let me know if it happens again. I will be vigilent also in case it happens somewhere else.

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