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{resolved} Mail Scanner - Odd Behavior: Must scan manually
As the subject suggests, since upgrading to C7, which is a fresh install with migrated data -  and mean that literally - Mail Scanner doesn't seem to want to run on it's own. As far as I can tell the necessary bits have been configured.
  • I've configured the IMAP connection for it and told it what folder to look in. And it is making the connection and retrieving unread messages that match the critera I've provided it.
  • I've created the Necessary workflow for it to act on once it retrieves the messages.
  • I've checked the Cron assignments to confirm that they're enabled which the for the workflow.
However, Mail Scanner only does what it's supposed to do if I manually click the scan button. When I did that this morning I saw this on the screen:
Quote:Scanning in progress Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file.

We are looking for this file path: modules//.php
We are looking here:
Real file path:
Root dir path: /var/www/html/apps/corebos7/

I'm not quite sure what it's trying to tell me but it reminds me of a permissions error. (Joe: I remember the trouble you had the last time I went from C5 to C7 and the huge difference in permissions requirements that existed from the old server to the new one.) I should add though that IMAP configuration on the Exchange server is - for my LAN only - plain text authentication no TLS. In case it matters i'm using alternative UPN suffixes which allows me to use my email address as a username rather than having to use the form domain\username for authenticating to either the domain controller or the Exchange services. The reason I mention this is because of the differences in behavior I've seen in IMAP connectivity from C5 to C7. For all I know it's completely a local environmental issue.

Remembering that, when installed C7 this time I made sure that the entire directory where CoreBOS7 lives is owned by apache.apache, directory permissions are 755 and file permissions, at least for .php files, are 644. The application over all works normally. It's just little things here and there. Mail Scanner happens to be one of them.

I rely pretty heavily on Mail Scanner to look for messages in a certain mailbox folder on my Exchange server (worked normally in CoreBOS 5 connecting to the Exchange account) to check for messages sent to the account for the express purpose of creating Support Tickets. When I get really busy of focused on a problem and someone sends me a message that needs a support ticket created for it, its much faster to forward the message to the email account Mail Scanner monitors than to move away from what i'm doing and manually create the ticket.

Anyway, I was wondering what Mail Scanner is trying to tell me with the information it tossed to the screen.


[i]If I could work while on horseback that's where I'd be doing it. There's nothing like riding... Gives new meaning to the phrase, ride to live... live to ride.[/i]

Messages In This Thread
{resolved} Mail Scanner - Odd Behavior: Must scan manually - mweaver - 12-16-2017, 01:35 PM

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