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error on create a new widget - for task module
I try created a new widget for listing Pending task for a specific user

I filter works normaly, but widget not shows anything ( still working ... but not shows nothing )

Apache shows:
HP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: result is not an object in /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/include/database/PearDatabase.php:826\nStack trace:\n#0 /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/include/home.php(260): PearDatabase->query_result(false, 0, 'count')\n#1 /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/include/home.php(217): Homestuff->getModuleFilters('2967')\n#2 /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/modules/Home/HomeBlock.php(53): Homestuff->getHomePageStuff('2967', 'Module')\n#3 /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/include/Ajax/CommonAjax.php(18): require_once('/usr/share/core...')\n#4 /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/modules/Home/HomeAjax.php(10): require_once('/usr/share/core...')\n#5 /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/index.php(475): include_once('/usr/share/core...')\n#6 {main}\n thrown in /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/include/database/PearDatabase.php on line 826, referer: https://localhost:1234/index.php?action=...odule=Home

I will start a debug for collect more information
eCRM Web
On line 259 of include/home.php there is a $query variable which I need to see.

try adding before that line an "echo $query;" to see if you get it in the browser. If not then put:

global $log; $log->fatal($query);

activate log, and you should see the query there

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