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Auto ticket update

I would like to implement auto ticket update like explain in this video:

The problem it that my customer not receive the auto replay email that contain the Ticket ID.
The work-follow “Workflow for Ticket Change, not from the Portal” in active and there is no problem to send email from the CRM

What could be the problem?

I had a look at the code, two things catch my attention; one is the "from email"

from what I understand reading that code it seems to try to send the email as if the contact had sent it. your email provider may not permit that. You could try hard coding an email on that line, setting $from_email to a valid email in your domain.

But before you try that try this: the workflow that sends that email has a condition "from portal = true",  I think that may not be the case when coming from mail converter so try to set that workflow with an OR, like this:


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