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[ solved ] - Service Contracts - doubt
Hi Joe,

Is more clear now

But at the first part, I understood to change vtiger_fieldmodulerel and in this video table is vtiger_relatedlist

Thru layout editor not workeded, I try delete and recreate again

I see your code, and change database directly,

and almost there ...

I think now relation is created but, at screen, system not show a correctly name of service contract

Probably, with my fault, at first part ...

I did changed something wrong

How I can to do for clean all changes and redo ( I think is a way to correct now, right ?

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eCRM Web
Try creating a new database and load the install database which is in the schema directory, compare the entries for SC see if that helps
I created two scripts like your video

to add a todo -> Service Contracts works fine
but for add a Tickets -> Service Contracts returned a error

I try with HelpDesk, Support Tickets, Trouble Tickets, without a sucess


include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php';
$usr=new Users();

$modCal = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('HelpDesk');
$field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('rel_id',$modCal);

$modSC = Vtiger_module::getInstance('ServiceContracts');
$modSC ->setRelatedList($modCal,'HelpDesk', array('ADD'), 'get_dependentes_lists');

"setSCRelationticket.php" 17L, 492C

solved changed rel_d to parent_id


Thanks Joe, for this video and explanation !!
eCRM Web

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