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Exclamation No arrastra datos de direccion en presupuesto
Posted by: julioval - 08-08-2016, 07:11 AM - Forum: Administrator Support - Replies (1)

Buen día,
Cuando creo un presupuesto desde el botón mas del modulo presupuestos, si añado un nombre de contacto me añade los datos de dirección de envío o facturación de este contacto (perfecto).
Pero si el presupuesto lo creo desde la pestaña mas información del contacto, entonces no incorpora los datos de dirección de envío o facturación de este contacto.
Tenéis alguna pista de como puedo solucionarlo?

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  gitter group
Posted by: joebordes - 08-07-2016, 04:35 PM - Forum: Announce - No Replies

Hi all,

We now have a gitter community and group, in case anybody wants to lurk around there Smile 


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  Invalid file provided for module import!
Posted by: estares - 08-05-2016, 01:05 PM - Forum: Modules/Extension Support - Replies (3)

Hi all

I'm getting the error "Invalid file provided for module import! Try Again." if I want to import my custom module via file upload in the Module Manager.

When I first export a module into a zip-file and re-import it, it's working fine. But when I change in this package only the name of the module in the manifest.xml I get this error.

I also imported the custom module cbReportico (https://github.com/tsolucio/coreBOSRepor...ind/master) sucessfully but my own module only with the modul name changed doesn't work.

Any idea what's wrong here?

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  Using the standard 'create invoice from salesorder' in workflows
Posted by: Guido1982 - 08-05-2016, 08:17 AM - Forum: coreBOS Development - Replies (24)

I want to create an invoice from an workflow, but of course I'd like the same behaviour as when you click 'create invoice' in the salesorder detail view. Is there a backend method for this that you can incorporate in a workflow script?

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  PDFMaker e-mail task does not declare JS var moduleName
Posted by: Guido1982 - 08-05-2016, 07:43 AM - Forum: coreBOS Development - Replies (6)

We're working with the paid PDFmaker, that comes with some workflows for creating PDF's and e-mailing PDF's. That's all fine, but now that I'm creating a new task, the condition and task group never load inside of the task. I checked the console, that gives me a reference error. It says the JS var 'moduleName' is not defined in editworkflowscript.js (modules/com_vtiger_workflow/resources/editworkflowscript.js). This happens only for the PDFmaker task, not for any other task. To be clear: the workflow can create a condition. It is when you create a new workflow task that you see this problem.

I checked the script, I can't find the moduleName declaration anywhere so maybe this is some gloval variable set in another script, but not handled correctly by the PDFmaker script?

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Posted by: JesusPC - 08-03-2016, 12:06 PM - Forum: User Support - Replies (4)

Intento crear un flujo con varias condiciones donde ha de tener en cuenta la fecha prevista y avisarme antes de 60, 30 y 1 día, pero no me funciona y creo que me he liado con las funciones.
¿Es correcto o es otra función?

Tampoco se me queda marcada la opción de "Evaluar condiciones en el momento de la ejecución"

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  Planned Mkt Actions - How to send Annual Email
Posted by: everstumbling - 08-01-2016, 04:47 PM - Forum: Modules/Extension Support - Replies (1)

I want to send an email to a contact every 365 days from the date the contact was created. It seems this would be accomplished by using the Planned Mkt Actions Module.

If I check the box for "Use only day and month", will this enable an email to send on an annual basis? In other words, would it loop?

Also, what is the "After execution put in " field for an how does it work. I assume that would not apply to what I am trying to accomplish here, correct?

I searched documentation but wasn't able to find these answers.

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Posted by: JesusPC - 07-29-2016, 07:45 AM - Forum: Administrator Support - Replies (9)


Necesito configurar el servidor de correo para que use la cuenta de Office 365 (Exchange), pero no se como debo configurarla.
Los datos para configurar son:
Configuración SMTP
Nombre de servidor: smtp.office365.com
Puerto: 587
Método de cifrado: TLS

Alguna idea??

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  Forking the Calendar4You module
Posted by: Guido1982 - 07-28-2016, 11:26 AM - Forum: coreBOS Development - Replies (8)

This is not something I really wish to do, but as I've said before: I'm maintaining an installation in which the calendar has been hacked somewhat. My schedular module is meant to replace a lot of the functionality, but that is far from ready. I was thinking of setting up a fork (and yes, calling it 'Calendar4Me'), so that I can update this install and get the goods from Business Maps, better global variables and so on... My question is, is the module still 'forkable', or is it integrated with the system in such a way that forking is no longer an option at this point?

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Posted by: JesusPC - 07-28-2016, 09:45 AM - Forum: User Support - Replies (3)


Al realizar el presupuesto, cuando eliges un producto de la lista, se inserta el nombre y la descripción.
Esta descripción, unas veces la inserta mal, se añade "\r\n" donde debería ser un cambio de línea y se pasan los datos sin cambios de línea.

El problema es que no siempre ocurre, pero si lo envías por correo directamente (que es lo normal si confias que todo va bien) y no lo corriges (pérdida de tiempo innecesaria)...

Adjunto imagen para que lo veais.

Gracias de ante mano!!

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