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[SOLVED] Remove Colorizer to get Layout editor working |
Posted by: Guido1982 - 11-05-2015, 09:37 AM - Forum: Modules/Extension Support
- Replies (9)
I've been having problems entering the layout editor for some modules. After turning on the debug by adding:
Code: error_reporting(E_ALL);
ini_set("display_errors", "on");
to the top of the index.php file I was able to find out that there was a fatal call to the colorizer module (by Stefan Warnat). This being a development environment and not using the module that extensively I decided to remove the module with the deleteModule script in the build/helperscripts folder.
After that, I even removed the tables Colorizer created created from the database (I looked in the module manifest and these were the only two it created). Now, when I try to open the Layout editor of for instance Sales Orders, I still get:
Code: Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file.
We are looking for this file path: modules/Colorizer/Colorizer.php
We are looking here:
Real file path:
Root dir path: /my_path/crmdevelop/
So still there is some reference to the module, but I can't find it.
Also the detailview for all modules that used Colorizer are now not functioning, giving the same message. I thing module includes will not be done in Smarty files, so I need to look in some PHP files that make up the detailview I think.
An update:
I re-installed the module Colorizer (just for debugging) and this is the fatal error in the Layout Manager:
Code: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Colorizer_ColorWidget::title() in /home/guidog/domains/cbx-nederland.nl/public_html/crmdevelop/modules/Settings/LayoutBlockList.php on line 356
Looking into the file LayoutBlockList.php I see the 'widgets' are loaded here. Maybe the uninstalling of Colorizer did not remove the widget registration? Now to find out where the widgets are stored and how to remove them.
create quote fails with tax NaN |
Posted by: opto - 10-20-2015, 09:36 AM - Forum: User Support
- Replies (3)
upgrade from vt5.3->5.4->cb:
I cannot create a quote: tax is set as not a number and storing fails (individual tax mode).
No changes since vtiger - times where it works.
any help is appreciated,
No se muestran los datos después de importación en custom fields |
Posted by: jarsanchez - 10-14-2015, 11:38 AM - Forum: Spanish
- Replies (3)
He creado 65 nuevos campos personalizados en el Módulo Contactos, mediante un script según vtlib 5.2.
Tras la importación de los registros mediante un fichero CSV (no se genera ningún tipo de error y se confirma correctamente el número de registros importados), sólo se muestran los datos mapeados con los campos estándar del crm (ejemplo: Nombre, Apellidos, Teléfono, etc etc). Los campos personalizados aparecen vacíos.
En cambio, se muestran correctamente los datos después de la importación, si creo previamente dichos campos personalizados directamente desde el Editor.
Si en un registro ya creado, lo edito para rellenar cualquiera de los campos personalizados que fueron creados mediante el script, muestra correctamente el dato insertado.
Adjunto detalle (por ejemplo de un par de campos) del script de creación:
$Vtiger_Utils_Log = true;
$module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
//*************************************** Bloque: Datos Personales *******************************************
$bloque = 4; // Bloque Datos Personales (blockid) = 4
$block = Vtiger_Block::getInstance($bloque, $module);
// ========
$field3 = new Vtiger_Field();
$field3->name = 'DNI';
$field3->label = 'DNI';
$field3->table = 'vtiger_contactscf';
$field3->column = 'dni';
$field3->columntype = 'VARCHAR(9)';
$field3->uitype = 1;
$field3->typeofdata = 'V~O~LE~9';
//********************************************** Bloque: Historial 1 ******************************************
$block2 = new Vtiger_Block();
$block2->label = 'LBL_CUSTOM_HISTORIAL1';
$block2->sequence = 3;
// CAMPO: Epilepsia o convulsiones
// ====================
$field7 = new Vtiger_Field();
$field7->name = 'Epilepsia';
$field7->label = 'Epilepsia';
$field7->table = 'vtiger_contactscf';
$field7->column = 'epilepsia';
$field7->columntype = 'TINYINT(3)';
$field7->uitype = 56; // A checkbox which takes input in the form of yes or no.
$field7->typeofdata = 'C~O';
No encuentro el error. Agradecería cualquier sugerencia o información al respecto.
Muchas gracias. Saludos.
Problemas con los avisos |
Posted by: unaitwo - 10-13-2015, 05:06 PM - Forum: Spanish
- Replies (16)
El caso es que los avisos de las tareas no me van, puedo enviar mails desde el sistema, lo he comprobado, he buscado info por internet, y tras haber leido que podía ser problema de la definición del timezone, me he puesto a cambiarlo por Spain/Madrid, ya que este es el huso horario que necesito
- Primero en el config.iinc.php. tras realizar el cambio seguía sin funcionar, y el valor en la bbdd de timezone sigue siendo UTC
- Segundo, miro el valor en el usuario, no fuera este el problema, y veo que su valor es Europe/Amsterdam, que en teoría podría ser valido, y desde phpmyadmin, lo cambio también por Spain/Madrid, el sistema sigue sin funcionar.
Ahora he observado, que a la hora de introducir la tarea en la tabla activity, veo que lo sigue haciendo en la hora UTC, es decir, 2 horas menos que la hora que defino en el formulario, a modo de ejemplo, si creo una tarea a las 16:30, me la guarda a las 14:30, no se si este será lo que provoque el error, entiendo que puede no serlo, ya que quizás el sistema trabaje con UTC, y lo cambie al necesitarlo, pero el caso es que no me envía en ningún caso los avisos.
multiple related to popup hierarchy |
Posted by: saidmsl - 10-11-2015, 03:28 PM - Forum: coreBOS
- Replies (1)
i try to explain :
in edit view , we can have multiple related fields (uitype = 10) ,
when selecting using the popup, it would filter depending of the parent id
Ex :
Invoice :
the invoice is both related to organisation and contact,
if i set the organisation first , when popup the contacts it should display only contacts related to this organisation
is it possible to have a generic code for the popup for any uitype = 10 ?
Email maker don' send emails |
Posted by: bofax - 09-13-2015, 11:30 AM - Forum: Modules/Extension Support
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I've installed free version of Emailmaker in Corebos 5.5 (EMAIL Maker 540.00.08 from IT-Solutions4You). I can desing template emails but last step, send a email from detail view, return nothing.
Any idea?
documents and utf8 |
Posted by: opto - 09-07-2015, 10:23 AM - Forum: User Support
- Replies (1)
whereas web interface and UI work fine in utf8, we have problems with documents.
Their filenames come back from the system in utf8, which windows does not like.
So all filenames with special names look scrambled (= utf8 bytes are displayed as latin)..
Is there something one can do with it? (same in vt 530)
hierarchical product categories - fearure request |
Posted by: opto - 09-04-2015, 07:22 AM - Forum: User Support
- Replies (1)
It would be nice to have hierarchical product categories. For many, I think this is how they organise their business, but there seems no way to reflect that in corebos. For add product and other places, it would then be good to be able to switch between flat display (as now) and parent/child display, so one can use whatever is faster.
If i know the product name (starting letter)- maybe choose flat view and alphabet, if not - use the product category (e.g. light sources -> research lamps -> Xenon lamps), and in that category, I would even find the light bulb (for sure i wouldn"t remember that product name by mind), the power supply, a little mechanical adapter etc.). Might give some order to really long product lists by grouping related items.
How to realise? I have some ideas from project planning parent task-child task - child task - ... relationships which I could share. May need an extra field in products to note this type of category (or use the existing one), and a place to store the category tree, as well as some UI in the places where we choose products.
We wouldn"t even need this everywhere (we still have the old selection process), maybe add products in quotation/SO, PO, ticket and define new product would be sufficient.