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One to many relationship
By way of background, I am new to vtiger but I gave up on v6 and have reverted to coreBOS 5.5 as I believe it is more stable and robust in terms of where it is going. We have a small firm that is highly specialised and we are using coreBOS to support our clients. We use it to manage the relationships and the workload - not to secure sales and so on - though we will be using Leads to follow up on enquiries and sales initiatives.

I am techno literate but am not a developer so I do need to be guided.

One of the issues that has been bothering me is the (apparent) lack of a one to many relationship (e.g. multiple contacts for an organisation) or the ability to have a 'repeating block' for multiple instances of the same data (in our case a client can have multiple directors and I need to keep half a dozen pieces of information for each director). From my limited knowledge I can only achieve this by repeating the fields and making the labels unique. As an example Director (1); Director (2) etc. It get complicated when there is a field in the information about each entity that repeats (e.g. Date of appointment (1); Date of appointment (2)). When I then want to create a report or a workflow that tests each field I then have to put in multiple tests (e.g. 'if Date of appointment (1) <> or Date of appointment (2)) etc etc.

Is there a simple solution to this issue or is it on the roadmap?

Keep up the good work Joe (more posts coming your way in the forum).

you have the one to many relationship between organisation and contacts :

1. create the client as organisation
2. create all people as a contact and set the title (director, ...)
3. add the appointment field inside contact

you'll see the related list (one to many) in the More Information tab (Contact List)
in term of GUI, there's no repeating block, under the contact list, you'll see all staff independently of their job title
there will be a need to modify the code the have the repeating block as per the title


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