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Mobile user get white screen after login

After working fine some time in the mobile interface. Two on my user getting white screen after login.

There error is:
PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function label() on boolean in ..../Smarty/templates_c/f3e8ee7270cb8098d4eff6bd5b57ca8ba1db8219_0.file.ListView.tpl.php on line 27

line 27 is:
PHP Code:
<head><title><?php echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['_MODULE']->value->label();?>

Deleting the temp file f3e8ee7270cb8098d4eff6bd5b57ca8ba1db8219_0.file.ListView.tpl.php don't help.

Those users can't load any mobile page expect the login form.

For example:

Show white screen

As workaround I duplicate the user and the new user can access the mobile interface.

It's not look like this language / translation problem like in this post:

Because other users with the same setting can work.

Please advise

Messages In This Thread
Mobile user get white screen after login - addady2 - 10-25-2018, 01:04 PM

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