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[Warning]: cron Task(s) exceed time threshold
How do I get the workflow ID and crmID to test?

and it looks like I need to run one by one workflow to find out where a problem is, right?

Where I can found this image?

File does not exist: /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/themes/images/s.gif, referer: /index.php?action=index&module=cbCalendar
eCRM Web
the error message give you the clues you need to not have to test them all. For example


says that the workflow is associated with accounts, so you only have to look in the workflows related to accounts module


says that the task has id 12, so you can go to the com_vtiger_workflow_tasks table, look for the row with ID 12 and find the ID of the workflow.
when coreBOS shows the event popup screen, it looks for an image with the same name as the event to show in the popup, so each "activity type" has it's own icon. those icons must end with an "s", so you can find:


if you are seeing that error without any name it is as if you had an event with no type. Not quite sure how that can happen. What I mean is that the image you are asking for does not exist
(02-11-2020, 01:04 PM)joebordes Wrote: favicon notification is not important as from within the application it is set correctly. If you want to eliminate it just copy the favicon.ico to the top of the install


Created a symbolic link to the file

raiz of corebos

ln -s themes/images/favicon.ico favico.ico
eCRM Web
after update my system, I am not receives more this kind of alert ..
eCRM Web
I found the problem

Apparently when I created a task in workflow ( mass selection ), system include in queue all registries and process the queue one by one. Problem occurs when process not end until time to next start.

I am not sure, but I think, the logic here is, system include in queue all registries will be process and start the process, one by one.

That's not an error, alias in excellent solution, because not causes a big transaction in BD and not consumes lot server side resources

but for big quantity of registries, process may never ends
eCRM Web
(05-01-2020, 06:17 PM)rslemer Wrote: after update my system, I am not receives more this kind of alert ..

I found problem with this, system put more then one email in copy, and my smtp server only allows one.
eCRM Web
If I turn off the search_block module the cron job will complete (hooray!). Unfortunately turning this module off permanently is not really an option.

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