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Disable Recurring Invoice Information block in sales order

Please separate your two questions in two different threads, there is no relation between them.

I will answer your first question here:

To hide the recurring Invoice fields you have to go directly to the database, in the vtiger_field table change the "presence" column to 1 for those fields. What I did to test it:
  • go to database, vtiger_block table, search on tabid = 22 which is SalesOrder, I see that the recurring invoice block is 85 (in MY install, it may not be in yours)
  • go to vtiger_field table, search for block = 85, I confirm that those are the 6 fields I want to hide
  • launch this SQL:
UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET presence=1 WHERE block=85
  • edit and save a SO to make sure it is working and the fields aren't there

Messages In This Thread
RE: Disable Recurring Invoice Information block in sales order - by joebordes - 06-02-2015, 06:50 PM

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