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Issue in Emails::createEmailRecord
When I try to register an email using this code:

$element = array();
$element['saved_toid'] = $correo;
$element['parent_type'] = $modulo;
$element['parent_id'] = vtws_getEntityId($modulo).'x'.$accountid;
$element['from_email'] = $from;
$element['ccmail'] = $ccmail;
$element['bccmail'] = $bccmail;
$element['subject'] = $asunto;
$element['description'] = $cuerpoMensaje;
$emailid = Emails::createEmailRecord($element);

$rdo = send_mail(

if (!$rdo) {
$mensaje .= 'ERROR: '.$mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
$mensaje .= 'Se ha enviado el correo al mail '.$datos['email1'] .'<br>';

return $mensaje

But it dont works. With debug active shows this:

INFO - PearDatabase ->ADODB disconnect DEBUG - SQL: SET NAMES utf8 DEBUG - EXEC: 0.00052905082702637 micros [START=1602155802.9709, END=1602155802.9714] DEBUG - DEBUG - Prepared sql query being executed : select id from vtiger_ws_entity where name=? DEBUG - Prepared sql query parameters : [Accounts] DEBUG - SQL: select id from vtiger_ws_entity where name=? DEBUG - PARAMS: [Accounts] DEBUG - EXEC: 0.00032305717468262 micros [START=1602155803.2723, END=1602155803.2726] DEBUG - DEBUG - Prepared sql query being executed : SELECT id FROM vtiger_users WHERE is_admin='On' and status='Active' limit 1 DEBUG - SQL: SELECT id FROM vtiger_users WHERE is_admin='On' and status='Active' limit 1 DEBUG - EXEC: 0.00026106834411621 micros [START=1602155803.2727, END=1602155803.273] DEBUG - DEBUG - Entering Users() method ... DEBUG - Entering getColumnFields(Users) method ... DEBUG - Entering getTabid(Users) method ... DEBUG - Prepared sql query being executed : select tabid from vtiger_tab where name=? DEBUG - Prepared sql query parameters : [Users] DEBUG - SQL: select tabid from vtiger_tab where name=? DEBUG - PARAMS: [Users] DEBUG - EXEC: 0.00022006034851074 micros [START=1602155803.2731, END=1602155803.2733] DEBUG - DEBUG - Exiting getTabid method ... DEBUG - Entering getTabid(Users) method ... DEBUG - Exiting getTabid method ... DEBUG - Prepared sql query being executed : SELECT tabid, fieldname, fieldid, fieldlabel, columnname, tablename, uitype, typeofdata, presence FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid in (?) DEBUG - Prepared sql query parameters : [29] DEBUG - SQL: SELECT tabid, fieldname, fieldid, fieldlabel, columnname, tablename, uitype, typeofdata, presence FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid in (?) DEBUG - PARAMS: [29] DEBUG - EXEC: 0.00023794174194336 micros [START=1602155803.2734, END=1602155803.2736] DEBUG - DEBUG - Entering getTabid(Users) method ... DEBUG - Exiting getTabid method ... DEBUG - Exiting getColumnFields method ... DEBUG - Exiting Users() method ... Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file.
We are looking for this file path: user_privileges/user_privileges_1.php
We are looking here:
Real file path:
Root dir path: /homepages/35/d489224962/htdocs/corebosPruebas/crm/

What can go wrong? Thanks
If the code above is all the code you have you are missing some includes and I do not know what this method is:

$emailid = Emails::createEmailRecord($element);

that is a static method call on a function inside the Emails object. As far as I can see that method does not exist in a standard corebos so you may have added it yourself and I don't know what it contains.

You don't need to add any function

You just include modules/Emails/mail.php and you get the function createEmailRecord($email) already available for you.

Have a read at this blog post see if that helps. Compare your createEmailRecord method with the function in mail.php and let me know how it goes.
Hello Joe:

This isnĀ“t all the code. The code are in a funciones.php file, that contains two require_once: This:

require_once 'modules/Emails/Emails.php';
require_once 'modules/Emails/mail.php';

In modules/Emails/Emails.php exists the function:

public static function createEmailRecord($element, $attachmentids = array()) {
global $adb, $log;
$user = Users::getActiveAdminUser();
$elementType = 'Emails';
$webserviceObject = VtigerWebserviceObject::fromName($adb, $elementType);
$handlerPath = $webserviceObject->getHandlerPath();
$handlerClass = $webserviceObject->getHandlerClass();
require_once $handlerPath;
$handler = new $handlerClass($webserviceObject, $user, $adb, $log);
$date = new DateTimeField(null);
if (empty($element['date_start'])) {
$element['date_start'] = $date->getDisplayDate($user);
if (empty($element['time_start'])) {
$element['time_start'] = date('H:iConfused');
$element['activitytype'] = 'Emails';
if (empty($element['assigned_user_id'])) {
$element['assigned_user_id'] = vtws_getEntityId('Users').'x'.$user->id;
if (empty($element['email_flag'])) {
$element['email_flag'] = 'SENT';
$result = $handler->create($elementType, $element);
if (!empty($result['id']) && !empty($attachmentids)) {
list($void, $id) = explode('x', $result['id']);
$aids = explode(',', trim($attachmentids, ','));
$query = 'SELECT vtiger_attachments.path,, vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid
FROM vtiger_attachments
INNER JOIN vtiger_seattachmentsrel ON vtiger_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid = vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid
INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid=vtiger_crmentity.crmid
WHERE deleted=0 AND vtiger_seattachmentsrel.crmid = ?';
$insrel = 'INSERT INTO vtiger_seattachmentsrel(crmid, attachmentsid) VALUES(?,?)';
foreach ($aids as $docid) {
$docrs = $adb->pquery($query, array($docid));
if ($docrs && $adb->num_rows($docrs)==1) {
$adb->pquery($insrel, array($id, $adb->query_result($docrs, 0, 'attachmentsid')));
return $result['id'];
return '';

And if I comment the line, the email is sent , and dont appear the message.

Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file.
We are looking for this file path: user_privileges/user_privileges_1.php
We are looking here:
Real file path:
Root dir path: /homepages/35/d489224962/htdocs/corebosPruebas/crm/

Only appears when the system try to register it.

the code seems to be correct. activate debug log and see if there is any error in that file. Not SQL log, the vtigercrm log

set that line to debug and search the file logs/vtigercrm.log for an "error"
Hello , Joe. I feel the delay in the answer. I configure the debug but in that file I do not find any error.
The content is too long for publish it in a post. How could I post it so you can see it?
No problem for the delay, I can imagine... :-)

send it to my email, I'll have a look

I am trying to register an email , using the code shows in The email sends perfectly, but when I try to register it, returns

Fatal error: Uncaught WebServiceException: Database error while performing required operation in /home/coralloagency/www/pruebas/include/Webservices/VtigerEmailOperation.php:78 Stack trace: #0 /home/coralloagency/www/pruebas/modules/Emails/mail.php(795): VtigerEmailOperation->create('Emails', Array) #1 /home/coralloagency/www/pruebas/modules/Invoice/customInvoicePDF.php(239): createEmailRecord(Array) #2 {main} thrown in /home/coralloagency/www/pruebas/include/Webservices/VtigerEmailOperation.php on line 78

The problem is in the value that returns this function:

$accountid = vtws_getEntityId('Accounts').'x5'; // I change the account id for one in the database

If I comment the value parent_in the $email array, the email sends, but it don't register in the database

$email = array(
'saved_toid' => $to_email,
'parent_type' => 'Accounts',
'parent_id' => $accountid,
'from_email' => $from_email,
'subject' => $subject,
'description' => $content,

the value that vtws_getEntityId('Accounts') returns is 11 ( the value of accounts in vtiger_ws_entity), and 5 is a register user in the aplication ...

Any idea?

Thank you
the errors that give this message 'Database error while performing required operation' are usually easy to debug. The steps are:

- Activate full debug logging
- Reproduce the error
- Look for the SQL error in the log file
- Fix the error as needed

activate the debug log and share the SQL error with us
Hello, Joe:

Thanks for the quick response

The Database debug returns

Query: insert into vtiger_seactivityrel values('12',13850) failed. Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`corallo_8_penultima`.`vtiger_seactivityrel`, CONSTRAINT `fk_2_vtiger_seactivityrel` FOREIGN KEY (`crmid`) REFERENCES `vtiger_crmentity` (`crmid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`corallo_8_penultima`.`vtiger_seactivityrel`, CONSTRAINT `fk_2_vtiger_seactivityrel` FOREIGN KEY (`crmid`) REFERENCES `vtiger_crmentity` (`crmid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)

ADOConnection._Execute(insert into vtiger_seactivityrel values('12',13850)) % line 1217, file:
ADOConnection.Execute(insert into vtiger_seactivityrel values('12',13850), Array[1]) % line 448, file: PearDatabase.php
PearDatabase.pquery(insert into vtiger_seactivityrel values(?,?), Array[2]) % line 152, file: Emails.php
Emails.save_module(Emails) % line 193, file: CRMEntity.php
CRMEntity.saveentity(Emails) % line 1463, file: CRMEntity.php

Fatal error: Uncaught WebServiceException: Database error while performing required operation in /home/coralloagency/www/pruebas/include/Webservices/VtigerEmailOperation.php:78 Stack trace: #0 /home/coralloagency/www/pruebas/modules/Emails/mail.php(795): VtigerEmailOperation->create('Emails', Array) #1 /home/coralloagency/www/pruebas/modules/Invoice/customInvoicePDF.php(240): createEmailRecord(Array) #2 {main} thrown in /home/coralloagency/www/pruebas/include/Webservices/VtigerEmailOperation.php on line 78

The problems is that the params of vtws_getEntityId('Accounts').'x5'; 5 must be the id of the account related to email, not the id of the user, When i change this value, solved. Thanks!!

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