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error pop up pbx manager call
When I received a call system show this error message
 (see attached image )

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eCRM Web
activate the debug log and look for an error there
Sent you in your email

Problem occurs with phone number incoming is a lead

If system found in contacts, works fine.

Lead don't have a Activities area ...

eCRM Web

T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG root ######## Module --> PBXManager :: Action --> PBXManagerAjax :: UserID --> 36 :: RecordID --> #######
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG root ########### Pemitted ---> yes ##############
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select * from vtiger_asteriskincomingcalls where to_number = ?
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [2030]
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Entering function get_column_value (cf_838, , cf_838, 15, V='')
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Exiting function get_column_value
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Entering function get_column_value (cf_847, , cf_847, 15, V='')
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Exiting function get_column_value
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Entering function get_column_value (cf_884, , cf_884, 1, V='')
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Exiting function get_column_value

2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : insert into vtiger_activitycf(activityid,cf_838,cf_847,cf_884) values(?,?,?,?)
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [7188,,,]
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : update vtiger_activity set date_start=?, time_start=?, due_date=?, time_end=?, duration_hours=?, duration_minutes=? where activityid=?
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [2017-12-19,18:27,2017-12-19,18:27,0,0,7188]
2017-12-19T18:27:47+00:00 DEBUG index Entering insertIntoInviteeTable(Calendar,Array

eCRM Web

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