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Information [TIP] Calendar4You - Module not installed?
Posted by: Peter A. Gebhardt - 12-15-2015, 07:29 PM - Forum: User Support - No Replies

The default GIT clone of CB comes with "CRON Module" disabled.

Pls. enable CRON in "Other Modules" - and you can use the calendar.  Idea

Best regards

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  UI Mods: How to migrate from vtiger 5.2.1 to CoreBOS 5.5?
Posted by: Peter A. Gebhardt - 12-15-2015, 05:23 PM - Forum: coreBOS - Replies (1)

In the course of my participation in the vtiger forum (until their switch to v6.x). I did some UI changes, I like to have available again under CB.


Although simple exchange of core files like ... Smarty/templates/Detail... looked promising first, once I wanted to add my "Show Contacts Hierarchy" module to it, I ran into problems. Mainly because I've patched code directly.

Apparently there is to much difference now between these two code-bases ('Meld'ed some files and was distracted).

Any ideas how to change UI Elements in a "proper way" under CB?

Best regards

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  Natural Sort
Posted by: Peter A. Gebhardt - 12-15-2015, 04:44 PM - Forum: coreBOS - Replies (1)

Just saw:


I'm using e.g.:

SELECT * FROM vtiger_accounts ORDER BY LENGTH(account_no), account_no;

found here:


Best regards

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  Creating a module record from a workflow via webservice
Posted by: Guido1982 - 12-15-2015, 01:50 PM - Forum: Modules/Extension Support - Replies (15)

Okay, I took a look at the following files:




My goal is to make my module (that basically relies on the use of workflows) create a record for each workflow execution to show the result. The result will be a server answer, since it is connecting to a foreign application. Since I know very little about the vTiger/coreBOS webservice, I thought I'd start a topic here that will maybe help others as well.

My starting point is a line in the file in the second link:

PHP Code:
$row vtws_create('Accounts'$row$current_user); 

This is from this line. I presume this is a function from 'include/Webservices/Create.php' that handles the actual creation of a record. I will need to take a look at that function to find out more.

I also studied the class definition in the include file that creates an event, I know the 'doTask' method is the one that is actually executed when the workflow condition is met. I now have very simple custom functions in a single file that handle the API calls to the foreign server, and I'd basically like to expand them with a method from an existing class (the 'vtws_create' command?) that creates a record with the return from the foreign server. I can only get the answer from the server from the same function as I use to send data, so whatever I use, it can't be a separate workflow.

The above may be a little confusing, since I studied a lot of files but don't really get the context yet. In the end, I just want to create a new row in the main table of my module, but do it in a system-accepted way, so all other related actions are also taken (like updating the crmentity table). So can I use the 'vtws_create' function? Will it take care of all other system-updates for me? Does it expect any special parameters? Do I need to include special files (other that the 'include/Webservices/Create.php')?

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  Comportamiento errático
Posted by: unaitwo - 12-11-2015, 09:52 AM - Forum: Spanish - Replies (2)

Ayer el crm empezó a hacer cosas raras, muy raras, también es verdad que todo pasó después de que el servicio de hosting donde lo tengo alojado fallase, todo empezó mostrando a un usuario el siguiente mensaje:

Migration Incompleted.
Please contact your system administrator.

Me lo comunicó y a mi al probar, me funcionaba correctamente, pero la navegación era muy lenta, y no siempre cargaba las páginas a la primera, pensé que sería problema del cache del chrome del ordenador del usuario que me comunicó la incidencia, le sugerí que usar el firefox, y funcionaba.

Pero el problema ha llegado hoy, que sigue saliendo el mismo mensaje en ambos navegadores, incluso limpando la caché, a mi me funciona una vez si y 20 no, en el firefox no sale el mensaje, directamente no carga nada.

Alguna experiencia parecida, mil gracias

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  [Calendar4You] Hide module list
Posted by: Shao - 12-09-2015, 02:49 PM - Forum: Modules/Extension Support - Replies (4)

I cannot find a module list code, where i can put visibility:hidden or comment out (Calendar4You)?

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  Just a little explanation on 'getTranslatedString'
Posted by: Guido1982 - 12-08-2015, 11:11 AM - Forum: Modules/Extension Support - No Replies

One of those things where, when you see it, it's so simple:

When you use getTranslatedString in for instance your Settings.php page:

PHP Code:
$menu_array['SetCredentials']['location'] = 'index.php?module=ExactOnline&action=SetCredentials';
$menu_array['SetCredentials']['image_src'] = 'modules/ExactOnline/images/setexactcredIcon.png';
$menu_array['SetCredentials']['desc'] = getTranslatedString('SetCredentials','ExactOnline');
$menu_array['SetCredentials']['label'] = getTranslatedString('SetCredentialsTitle','ExactOnline'); 

The first argument is the label in the language array, the second one is the module you want the system to look into for this language file.

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  Creating a dropdown from vtlib
Posted by: Guido1982 - 12-02-2015, 12:53 PM - Forum: Modules/Extension Support - Replies (4)

For my ExactOnline module, I'm in the process of syncing the general ledgers to coreBOS from Exact. I created a dropdown in products like this:

PHP Code:
$Vtiger_Utils_Log true;
$module Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Products');
$infoBlock Vtiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'$module);
$glaccountsField Vtiger_Field::getInstance('generalledgers'$module);
 if (!
$glaccountsField) {
$glaccountsField = new Vtiger_Field();
$glaccountsField->name 'generalledgers';
$glaccountsField->label 'General Ledger Accounts';
$glaccountsField->column 'generalledgers';
$glaccountsField->columntype 'VARCHAR(255)';
$glaccountsField->uitype 16;
$glaccountsField->typeofdata 'V~M';

This works, but does produce errors, what am I doing wrong? Here are the errors:

PHP Code:
Strict StandardsOnly variables should be assigned by reference in /PATH/crmdevelop/include/database/PearDatabase.php on line 225
Creating table vtiger_generalledgers 
... DONE

Strict Standards
Only variables should be assigned by reference in /PATH/crmdevelop/include/database/PearDatabase.php on line 225

Strict Standards
Only variables should be assigned by reference in /PATH/crmdevelop/include/database/PearDatabase.php on line 225

Strict Standards
Only variables should be assigned by reference in /PATH/crmdevelop/include/database/PearDatabase.php on line 225
Creating Field generalledgers 
... DONE
Module language mapping 
for General Ledger Accounts ... CHECK

Catchable fatal error
Object of class Vtiger_Module could not be converted to string in /PATH/index.php on line 687 

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  ExactOnline for coreBOS
Posted by: Guido1982 - 11-28-2015, 04:12 PM - Forum: Modules/Extension Support - Replies (37)

I've created this repo on github. Right now it's quite a mess, but I'm getting there. Take a look at the files:

Which is where I'm setting up the OAuth dance (which was an enormous pain in the ass), but now it seems to be okay. I'm now in the process of creating an API class and severall classes for updating and reading accounts, invoices etc.

In the end I want to create workflow tasks for this and register this module with only a backend settings menu where you could enter you client_id, secret etc.

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  Creating a new module: basic steps?
Posted by: Guido1982 - 11-28-2015, 09:45 AM - Forum: Modules/Extension Support - Replies (14)

I took a look at this link for creating a new module and have some questions. First off let me explain what my module should do:

  • It'll create a connection to Exact Online accounting software via their API. For this I only need a settings template where a user can set the client ID, client secret, division, return url and maybe some options.
  • I'm going to create some workflow tasks that will read the credentials from the database and use them to connect with Exact Online. On every invoice save, for example this will be used to establish the connection and send the invoice.
  • Later on I'd like to create a cron that reads from exact if invioces are paid (it has a bank link so in Exact this is automated) and set invoices in coreBOS to paid as well.

Now for the questions:
  • I understand the vtlib module creation will auto-create tables and include the module name here. The only table I need is one where I can store the values in the settings page. Can I use the auto-created one for this? Or better to create table manually?
  • I'm guessing the TPL files for the settings page go in the same folder as normal TPL file templates, but how do I create a link in the settings page?
  • What exactly are the modules' 'event handlers'? This seems like a workflow task?
EDIT: Add attachment PDF with original vTiger tutorial for creating module

Attached Files
.pdf   VtigerCRM_5.2.0_Vtlib.pdf (Size: 1.42 MB / Downloads: 8)
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