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Email notification - in tickets
Normalmente, en el flujo que realiza el envío, se puede elegir que campos componene el correo que se envía, y lógicamnete ahí se puede personalizar por completo.
Si el estandar no satisface sus necesidades, lo mejor es deshabilitarlo y crear uno nuevo, es muy facil...
Normally, in the flow that makes the sending, you can choose which fields compose the mail that is sent, and logically there can be completely customized.
If the standard does not meet your needs, it is best to disable it and create a new one, it is very easy ...

Messages In This Thread
Email notification - in tickets - rslemer - 09-10-2017, 05:53 PM
RE: Email notification - in tickets - JesusPC - 09-11-2017, 02:31 PM

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