04-11-2018, 01:01 PM
I've added a UI10 field to a block like this:
But the field is not showing up. I checked the DB, all seems to be well. When I change the UI type in the DB to 1, the field shows up. The field IS showing up in the 'vtiger_fieldmodulerel' table.
PHP Code:
$module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('LitigationMatter');
$block = Vtiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_Parties', $module);
// Setup the field
$field = new Vtiger_Field();
$field->name = 'lm_secondclient';
$field->label = 'Eventueel tweede cliƫnt';
$field->table = 'vtiger_litigationmatter';
$field->column = 'secondclientid';
$field->columntype = 'INT(11)';
$field->uitype = 10;
$field->typeofdata = 'V~O';
$field->sequence = 5;
But the field is not showing up. I checked the DB, all seems to be well. When I change the UI type in the DB to 1, the field shows up. The field IS showing up in the 'vtiger_fieldmodulerel' table.